About Tam

Hi, my name is Tammy, my friends call me Tam. I have been a Cosmetologist since 1999. I worked for a few years in a very busy salon and then hurt my back lifting something. A ruptured disk forced me to look at myself and see how unhealthy I had become. At 288 lbs, I started my first weight loss meeting and for 2 years I never once cheated or looked back. 128 pounds gone. Being out of work I stopped to visit an instructor to find out that she was now running the Cosmetology school I went to. Turned out they were hiring for a substitute. I worked there full-time for 4 years and loved every second of it. I learned so many things there. I taught the skin, facial. nails, manicure and pedicures and Anatomy classes, also the customer skills classes.

When I started they were busting at the seams. You had to know everything and then some and how to fix something in a hurry. The clinic floor was crazy most of the time. With all those students that had a full schedule of clients. Going to the classroom every 6 weeks was a welcomed relief.

As the students tapered off and changes were made I went back to cutting hair full time in the salon with no real major back issues.  5 years go by with over 3 as a manager at a salon and almost 2 as a stylist.  Time for a change! I decide to work in a small salon in my hometown. 2 weeks later I dislocate my elbow and break my ulnar bone (pinky side) That set me back a while. Talk about asking for weight gain!  Well I found all that 128 pounds and then some.  I worked a little in the salon but the walk in clientele just was not there. Just enough so that I was getting by.

I had been a Beauti Control consultant for many years. I liked their products so I stayed in it to get the discount, I didn’t do parties or work real hard at it, it was just for me. Microderm abrasion was my favorite thing. It made my skin so soft!

Things were going great. So lets get into a car accident!!! Well as fate would have it, that car accident lead me to a massage business where I became a client for over 2 years I believe. One day as I sat waiting for my massage appointment, the girl at the front desk asked if I knew anyone that had a managers license. I said I had one, and a new career began. They were looking for a manager and I also got to do facials. I was in heaven, Things were moving along slowly but we were getting busier. Then one day while I was on vacation I get a text that the franchise was sold. After a 3 month downhill battle with staff to book me correctly and management to pay me, our relationship came to an end.

Which leads me to today.

I have lost 60 pounds doing low carb and am still on that journey. I noticed a huge difference in my skin when I stopped eating all that processed garbage and breads and using Murad products. I have learned so much about skin care in the last year and am so excited to learn more! I love sharing information with people to help them look and feel better so this adventure is a win win for me!

I use several different make-up brands. I still use beauti control products, but I get shadow from Sephora and Wal-mart. I do use Murad at home steps 1-3 at home as well as the treatments at home amd O have seen an amazing change in my skin in 10 months.

I was the Salon manager at the clinic I worked at and was fortunate enough to be trained by a Murad representative in all of the treatments and masks in the clinic where I worked. I am fully qualified and certified in proper procedure when it comes to Murad treatments and products.